The imaginary Doctor and his speech mask in the works of A.P. Chekhov and in Russian humour literature at the end of the XIX century.


The proposed study delves into the depiction of an imaginary doctor in mass humor during the late 19th century and in Chekhov’s early work. Its aim is to provide an explanation for Chekhov’s innovative humor, which stands out in comparison to that of his contempora- ries. The work’s scientific novelty lies in the clarification of the concept of “speech mask in literature”. This refers to a hybrid of two languages, one inherent to the hero and the other appropriated from someone else, presented in a dialogic manner. Chekhov’s contemporaries such as Leikin, Amfiteatrov, and Shcheglov created simplistic comic scenarios in their works. The intentions of these authors were aimed solely at entertaining and distracting readers from their daily worries. Chekhov takes a complex stance on mass humor. On one hand, he must adhere to its demands in order to publish his stories in magazines. On the other hand, he sub-verts existing conventions by complicating his heroes’ speech characteristics through a speech mask. Chekhov not only entertains his readers, but also provides depictions of provincial cus-toms and various social types. The image of the doctor in Chekhov’s mature works is ambiva-lent and only indirectly related to the imaginary doctor from his humorous pieces.


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Библиографическое описание

Kubasov, A.V. (2023). The imaginary doctor and his speech mask in the works of A.P. Chekhov and in Russian humorous literature at the end of the 19th century. RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism, 28(3), 000–000.